Seattle WorldCon 2025 Bid
Seattle is up against Perth, Australia. Details should appear on facebook, possibly in July.
Kathy Bond is the chair for the Seattle WorldCon 2025 Bid. She was Legal Advisor to WorldCon 73, Sasquan, Spokane; and Operations Division Head for WorldCon 76, San Jose 2018.
We had a table at Norwescon. We talked about Foolscap with potential and past members.
Past GoH Gossip
So what have past Foolscap GoH's been up to lately? Well, Seanan McGuire has her Spider-Gwen comics (inquire at your local comic shop). Her latest book, Middlegame, came out in May. Wearing her other author hat, Mira Grant's Alien: Echo is in stores now and Subterranean Press is putting out In the Shadow of Spindrift House later in June.
Patricia Brigg's latest Mercy book, Storm Cursed, came out in May, as did Ted Chiang's Exhalation: Stories. Michael Kaluta's comic adaption of The Abyss gets a new edition to celebrate the 30 year annivery of the movie.
Nancy Perl was a GoH at Norwescon last month, and I caught her talk on how to recommend books. Anyone else catch up with her there?
newsletter archived here