Foolscap 2021 Schedule

Times are in PST.

Friday, Feb. 12

Other Items
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
9:00 PM
10:00 PM
Open con: hang out to greet & meet The Commons
Opening Ceremony & Icebreaker: PowerPoint Karaoke
  • Jeff Alexander
  • David Levine
You have ten never-before-seen slides on a random topic and five minutes to create an informative and/or humorous presentation speech to go with them in this improv comedy drill. David Levine will go first to show how it's done, then he'll host as we accept volunteers from the crowd. If you've ever wanted to give your own TED Talk, this is for you.
What Have You Enjoyed This Year?
  • Beth Mitcham
“Bring Your Own Book” Game: bring a book - any book - electronic or paper Bring Your Own Book is the game of borrowed phrases, where players search through books for text to take way out of context.
You Can Dance If You Want To: a Foolscap music social
  • Jason Wodicka
Been to any good concerts lately? Neither have we - but that doesn’t mean it’s been a bad year for music! We’re putting together a playlist of new music discoveries we’ve made in 2020, and inviting you to share the music you’ve found during our year in quarantine, along with some of the songs that helped you make it through. This will be a mics-off, text-based conversation, to let us focus on the music. If you’ve got music to share, bringing a Bandcamp or Youtube link will help!

Saturday, Feb. 13

Other Items
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
9:00 PM
10:00 PM
Cooking Demo: Dutch Babies Hospitality
  • Jeff Alexander
  • Steve Stadnicki
You may not be able to have Hospitality’s Dutch babies this year, but we’ll gladly show you how to make your own! Make sure you have eggs, milk, flour, sugar, butter, and either a cast-iron skillet or 9x9ish glass or ceramic baking dish. We’ll give you the recipe, some techniques, and a few general kitchen tips along the way!
Greg Bear: The Unfinished Land
  • Greg Bear
Hugo and Nebula winning author Greg Bear will be joining us on Saturday, Feb. 12 to talk about his upcoming book, [*The Unfinished Land*]( *The Unfinished Land* will be released the Tuesday after Foolscap, Feb. 16th, 2021
Lunch Break: Mealtime Meet Ups! The Commons
Group Game: Tribes
  • Kevin Mitcham
This event is on Discord. A mostly-cooperative group storytelling-and-society-building game by Steve Jackson and David Brin. Players are men and women who hunt, gather, and build a society while keeping the kids alive.
A Puppet Shows You How to Look Your Best on Zoom
  • Mary Robinette Kowal
Look your best on a Zoom call or panel — not with fancy backgrounds but with body language that will help you communicate clearly and appropriately – and entertainingly - to everyone who is watching. Novelist, puppeteer, and writing instructor Mary Robinette Kowal will demonstrate and take questions.
Virtual Tea Hospitality
  • Wing L. Mui
  • Stefanie Stadnicki
Stefanie and Wing answer your questions about brewing and serving tea, talk a bit about its long history, and show off some of their more unusual blends and brewing tools.
Aging in Fandom: You're how old?
  • Astrid Bear
  • Sairah McMinn
  • Mel White
  • Tom Whitmore
A lively exploration of the history of fandom with all its foibles and quirks. And panelists Astrid Bear, Sairah McMinn, Mel White, and Tom Whitmore are just the group to lead this expedition!
A Communications Guru Talks About Creativity (Digital and Otherwise)
  • Howard Rheingold
Howard Rheingold, one of the pioneers of virtual community, shows off his virtual office, and talks about his artwork, digital and otherwise. Come talk with a Burning Man regular, a teacher about cooperation studies, and a wonderful raconteur!
Fiber Artists Art Show
  • Astrid Bear
  • Syne Mitchell
  • Kier Salmon
A maker's panel on Fiber Art, featuring Astrid Bear, Kier Salmon, and Syne Mitchell. They will talk about their work ranging from dyeing, weaving, crocheting, costuming, pretty much anything! Join in the fun, ask questions, and see some cool things.
Game Design of Sidereal Confluence
  • TauCeti Deichmann
Sidereal Confluence is an unusual game. Set in an original science fictional world, it challenges players to shape a multi-species alliance to reflect their species’ priorities. It’s a trading game with simultaneous turns, open information, binding deals and nine distinct, asymmetric factions. It isn’t a cooperative game, but the most effective strategies involve working together, making it remarkably friendly. Designer TauCeti Deichmann will show the game and chat about the process of engineering the game’s systems, and how the game design and the setting’s fiction shaped and improved each other.
“Artists At Work” Live Art Show Art Show
  • Wing L. Mui
  • Jeff Olhoeft
  • Steve Stadnicki
Dinner Break: Mealtime Meet Ups! The Commons
  • Betty Bigelow
Betty Bigelow, master SF costumer, talks about costuming, how to do it and why. Come learn some basics from someone who really knows how to build a functional costume! Betty is known for her Klingon costumes, and has won awards at multiple SF conventions, including Worldcons. She's also the artistic director of the Shahrazad Dance Ensemble of Seattle.
Creating and Publishing Serials
  • Curtis Chen
  • Mark Ferrari
Serialized fiction is enjoying a revival online in podcasts and websites. Mark Ferrari (Twice: The Serial) and Curtis Chen (Ninth Step Station) are at forefront of this trend. They’ll talk about the challenges of writing and publishing serials and take some questions.
The Pros and Cons of Patreons for Artists and Writers
  • Chaz Brenchley
  • Laura Anna Gilman
Wondering if Patreon is a good way to find underwriters for your artistic career? Authors Laura Anne Gilman and Chaz Brenchley share their experiences using Patreon and building a patron communities to support their work. Find out what worked and what didn’t, and how they produce a steady flow of satisfying content for their supporters.
Name That Meme Game
  • Karen Anderson
The Wild World of Calligraphy Inks
  • Elizabeth Adams
The things in the art supply store labeled "calligraphy ink" are...somewhat limited, and in this panel we will explore some other options. Starting with the basics of watercolor & acrylics (including mixing colors and using mica powders), we'll move on to using "special effects" media (glow, etc.) and to applying the unique properties of fountain pen inks to non-fountain-pen uses.
Elizabeth Adams (she/her) is an artist, jeweler, and occasional "amateur chemist" who enjoys finding off-label uses for things and just might have missed a calling in Materials Engineering.